Produkt zum Begriff Vlad-Strategies-for-a:
Strategies for Creative Problem Solving
A Tested, Proven Approach to Problem Solving—Updated with New Material and Current, Real-Life Examples Strategies for Creative Problem Solving, Third Edition, will help you hone your creative skills and apply those skills to solve nearly any problem. Drawing on National Science Foundation-funded, advanced research that studied problem-solving techniques in all areas of modern industry, this book presents a comprehensive, systematic problem-solving framework. Through hands-on techniques and exercises drawing on realistic examples, you will learn how to approach an ill-defined problem, identify the real problem, generate and implement the best solution, evaluate what you’ve learned, and build on that knowledge. This third edition has been updated and revised, further enhancing its value for engineers, technical practitioners, students, and anyone who wants to improve their problem-solving skills. Updates include More than twenty-five new examples—based on recent, real-world events and topics—that illustrate the various problem-solving techniques Expanded coverage of critical thinking and reasoning An introduction to structured critical reasoning New discussion of managing complex change Expanded and improved explanations of the components of problem-solving strategies The first edition of this book earned ASEE’s 1996 Meriam-Wiley Distinguished Author Award, and now it’s more focused and useful than ever. Companion Web Site The book’s companion Web site ( is a valuable resource for students and instructors. The site contains Interactive Computer Modules: Seven simulations linked to the book’s content and designed to deepen your expertise with every stage of the problem-solving process Summary Notes: Chapter-specific material that highlights important points in each chapter—excellent for classroom presentations and concept review Professional Reference Shelf: Additional examples and problem-solving materials Additional Study Materials: Course syllabi and Web links to related material
Preis: 57.77 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Bible of Options Strategies, The: The Definitive Guide for Practical Trading Strategies
In The Bible of Options Strategies, Second Edition, legendary options trader Guy Cohen systematically presents today’s most effective strategies for trading options: how and why they work, when they're appropriate and inappropriate, and how to use each one responsibly and with confidence. Updated throughout, this edition contains new chapters assessing the current options landscape, discussing margin collateral issues, and introducing Cohen’s exceptionally valuable OVI indicators. The Bible of Options Strategies, Second Edition is practical from start to finish: modular, easy to navigate, and thoroughly cross-referenced, so you can find what you need fast, and act before your opportunity disappears. Cohen systematically covers every key area of options strategy: income strategies, volatility strategies, sideways market strategies, leveraged strategies, and synthetic strategies. Even the most complex techniques are explained with unsurpassed clarity – making them accessible to any trader with even modest options experience. More than an incredible value, this is the definitive reference to contemporary options trading: the one book you need by your side whenever you trade. For all options traders with at least some experience.
Preis: 29.95 € | Versand*: 0 € -
OpenACC for Programmers: Concepts and Strategies
The Complete Guide to OpenACC for Massively Parallel Programming Scientists and technical professionals can use OpenACC to leverage the immense power of modern GPUs without the complexity traditionally associated with programming them. OpenACC™ for Programmers is one of the first comprehensive and practical overviews of OpenACC for massively parallel programming. This book integrates contributions from 19 leading parallel-programming experts from academia, public research organizations, and industry. The authors and editors explain each key concept behind OpenACC, demonstrate how to use essential OpenACC development tools, and thoroughly explore each OpenACC feature set. Throughout, you’ll find realistic examples, hands-on exercises, and case studies showcasing the efficient use of OpenACC language constructs. You’ll discover how OpenACC’s language constructs can be translated to maximize application performance, and how its standard interface can target multiple platforms via widely used programming languages. Each chapter builds on what you’ve already learned, helping you build practical mastery one step at a time, whether you’re a GPU programmer, scientist, engineer, or student. All example code and exercise solutions are available for download at GitHub. Discover how OpenACC makes scalable parallel programming easier and more practical Walk through the OpenACC spec and learn how OpenACC directive syntax is structuredGet productive with OpenACC code editors, compilers, debuggers, and performance analysis toolsBuild your first real-world OpenACC programsExploit loop-level parallelism in OpenACC, understand the levels of parallelism available, and maximize accuracy or performanceLearn how OpenACC programs are compiledMaster OpenACC programming best practicesOvercome common performance, portability, and interoperability challengesEfficiently distribute tasks across multiple processorsRegister your product at for convenient access to downloads, updates, and/or corrections as they become available.
Preis: 39.58 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Mashups: Strategies for the Modern Enterprise
Creating Enterprise-Quality Web 2.0 Mashups: The Complete How-To Guide Mashups give businesses powerful new ways to leverage today’s massive public and private data resources for competitive advantage. In Mashups: Strategies for the Modern Enterprise, J. Jeffrey Hanson brings together all the knowledge enterprise developers need to create mashups that are reliable, secure, flexible, and effective. Using detailed sample code and third-party tools, Hanson walks readers through every step of creating a working enterprise mashup, as well as every component: presentation, process, data, and infrastructure. He surveys the styles, technologies, and standards used in mashup development, identifying key trade-offs and helping you choose the best options for your environment. You’ll learn how to overcome technical and business concerns associated with mashups, apply proven mashup patterns, and much more. Coverage includes Understanding and using presentation-oriented, data-oriented, process-oriented, or hybrid mashup styles Identifying the optimal uses for mashups in your environment Up-front planning: requirements, constraints, and security considerations; stability, reliability, and performance issues Creating an enterprise mashup, step by step: design, identification of services and data sources, and more Creating effective frameworks for mashup mediation and monitoring Applying proven patterns to your enterprise mashup infrastructure Securing mashups: validation, HTML sanitization, protecting iframes, and avoiding common attacks, such as cross-site request forgery Building mashups with third-party tools for Google, Oracle,, Amazon, and other environments Developing an open, agile environment that supports rapid, flexible development of new mashups Also of interest: The companion book, Mashup Patterns: Designs and Examples for the Modern Enterprise by Mike Ogrinz (Addison-Wesley), is an indispensable guide to patterns, with insights for making mashups work in production environments.
Preis: 21.39 € | Versand*: 0 €
Würde mir "A Cure for Wellness" gefallen?
Das hängt von deinen persönlichen Vorlieben ab. "A Cure for Wellness" ist ein Mystery-Thriller mit einer düsteren Atmosphäre und vielen unheimlichen Elementen. Wenn du solche Filme magst, könnte er dir gefallen.
Das Requiem for a Dream stammt nicht von Saw.
Das Requiem for a Dream ist ein Film von Darren Aronofsky aus dem Jahr 2000, während Saw ein Film von James Wan aus dem Jahr 2004 ist. Beide Filme gehören unterschiedlichen Genres an und haben verschiedene Handlungen. Requiem for a Dream ist ein intensives Drama über Drogenabhängigkeit, während Saw ein Horrorfilm ist, der sich um brutale Spiele und Folter dreht. Es ist wichtig, zwischen den beiden Filmen zu unterscheiden, da sie sich in Stil und Inhalt stark unterscheiden.
Kann mir jemand den Film "Requiem for a Dream" erklären?
"Requiem for a Dream" ist ein Film von Darren Aronofsky, der die zerstörerischen Auswirkungen von Drogenmissbrauch auf das Leben von vier Menschen zeigt. Der Film konzentriert sich auf die Abwärtsspirale der Charaktere, die von ihren Suchtproblemen und den damit verbundenen psychischen und physischen Folgen gefangen sind. Es ist eine düstere und verstörende Darstellung von Sucht und den damit verbundenen Konsequenzen.
What are some important factors to consider when choosing a camera for capturing high-quality photos and videos?
Some important factors to consider when choosing a camera for high-quality photos and videos are the sensor size, resolution, and lens quality. A larger sensor size typically results in better image quality, while higher resolution allows for more detailed photos and videos. A high-quality lens can also greatly impact the sharpness and clarity of the final images and videos.
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Interface Design for Learning: Design Strategies for Learning Experiences
In offices, colleges, and living rooms across the globe, learners of all ages are logging into virtual laboratories, online classrooms, and 3D worlds. Kids from kindergarten to high school are honing math and literacy skills on their phones and iPads. If that weren’t enough, people worldwide are aggregating internet services (from social networks to media content) to learn from each other in “Personal Learning Environments.” Strange as it sounds, the future of education is now as much in the hands of digital designers and programmers as it is in the hands of teachers.And yet, as interface designers, how much do we really know about how people learn? How does interface design actually impact learning? And how do we design environments that support both the cognitive and emotional sides of learning experiences? The answers have been hidden away in the research on education, psychology, and human computer interaction, until now. Packed with over 100 evidence-based strategies, in this book you’ll learn how to:Design educational games, apps, and multimedia interfaces in ways that enhance learningSupport creativity, problem-solving, and collaboration through interface designDesign effective visual layouts, navigation, and multimedia for online and mobile learningImprove educational outcomes through interface design.
Preis: 18.18 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Technical Communication Strategies for Today, Global Edition
For introductory courses in Technical Communication. Technical Communication Strategies for Today offers both and speaks to today's students. Instructional narrative is “chunked,” so that portions of text are combined with graphics. The chunked presentation also integrates an awareness of how documents are read—often skimmed by readers seeking the information they need, and it models the way today’s technical documents should be designed. The contemporary writing style is matched by an approach that accurately reflects the modern day computer-centered technical workplace: Technical Communication Strategies for Today presents computers as thinking tools that powerfully influence how we develop, produce, design, and deliver technical documents and presentations. The full text downloaded to your computer With eBooks you can: search for key concepts, words and phrases make highlights and notes as you study share your notes with friends eBooks are downloaded to your computer and accessible either offline through the Bookshelf (available as a free download), available online and also via the iPad and Android apps. Upon purchase, you'll gain instant access to this eBook. Time limit The eBooks products do not have an expiry date. You will continue to access your digital ebook products whilst you have your Bookshelf installed.
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Apart Hotel Vlad Tepes
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Learning from Catastrophes: Strategies for Reaction and Response
Events ranging from Hurricane Katrina to the global economic crisis have taught businesspeople an unforgettable lesson: if you don’t plan for “extreme risk,” you endanger your organization’s very survival. But how can you plan for events that go far beyond anything that occurs in normal day-to-day business? In Learning from Catastrophes, two renowned experts present the first comprehensive strategic framework for assessing, responding to, and managing extreme risk. Howard Kunreuther and Michael Useem build on their own breakthrough work on mitigating natural disasters, extending it to the challenges faced by real-world enterprises. Along with the contributions of leading experts in risk management, heuristics, and disaster recovery, they identify the behavioral biases and faulty heuristics that mislead decision makers about the likelihood of catastrophe. They go on to identify the hidden links associated with extreme risks, and present techniques for systematically building greater resilience into the organization. The global best-seller The Black Swan told executives that “once in a lifetime” events are far more common and dangerous than they ever realized. Learning from Catastropheshows them exactly what to do about it.
Preis: 16.04 € | Versand*: 0 €
Was sind die besten Strategies für den Einstieg in den Edelsteinmarkt?
1. Recherchieren Sie gründlich über verschiedene Edelsteine und deren Preise, um ein Verständnis für den Markt zu entwickeln. 2. Kaufen Sie zunächst kleine Mengen von verschiedenen Edelsteinen, um Erfahrungen zu sammeln und Risiken zu minimieren. 3. Bauen Sie langfristige Beziehungen zu vertrauenswürdigen Lieferanten auf und investieren Sie in Zertifikate für Authentizität und Qualität.
Weiß jemand, ob es eine zweite Staffel von diesem Anime "If It's for My Daughter, I'd Even Defeat a Demon Lord" geben wird?
Es gibt derzeit keine offizielle Ankündigung über eine zweite Staffel des Animes "If It's for My Daughter, I'd Even Defeat a Demon Lord". Es ist möglich, dass eine Fortsetzung in Zukunft angekündigt wird, aber bis jetzt gibt es keine Informationen darüber. Es könnte hilfreich sein, die offiziellen Kanäle des Animes oder die sozialen Medien zu verfolgen, um auf dem neuesten Stand zu bleiben.
Was bedeutet "last for last"?
"Last for last" ist eine Redewendung, die bedeutet, dass man eine Handlung oder eine Geste erwidert, die einem zuvor von einer anderen Person zuteil wurde. Es ist eine Art, sich gegenseitig zu revanchieren oder sich auf gleicher Ebene zu halten. Es kann auch bedeuten, dass man eine ähnliche Handlung als Vergeltung oder Rache ausführt.
Ist WordBlitz for Friends verschwunden?
Es tut mir leid, aber ich habe keine Informationen darüber, ob WordBlitz for Friends verschwunden ist. Es könnte sein, dass es entweder aus dem App Store entfernt wurde oder dass es technische Probleme gibt. Es wäre am besten, sich direkt an den Entwickler oder den Kundensupport zu wenden, um weitere Informationen zu erhalten.
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